Customer Reviews

Based on 41 reviews
Alia (Puchong Batu Dua Belas, Malaysia)
Sangat Selesa Tak Tipu!

I had been eyeing this online and thinking about buying it. But I just found out that there’s actually a boutique at IOI City Mall, so I decided to buy it in-store. The moment I touched it, terus jatuh cinta. Staff kat situ suruh try dulu, sebab I risau takut tak muat muka I. One try, and I was sold!

Ummi cun (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Smooth cool telekung ever

Masa mula-mula pegang material telekung ni terus jatuh cinta. Kain dia sejuk jee. Nipis tapi tak jarang. And tak panas. Part muka tu elok ke terletak. Labuh kain pun just nice utk tinggi 155cm mcm sy. Dengan poket kiri kanan pulak, sangat memudahkan nak letak kunci atau hp. Overall sangat love!

Nur Hafizah hassan (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

material sejuk and lembut
selesa sangat

Nrl (Puchong Batu Dua Belas, Malaysia)
Satisfied, Worth it

Telekung TP mmg pilihan saya. Mahal mungkin sbb material kain dia tapi yang penting minimalist. Tak perlu kerawang, manik ke, just simple yet too comfy 😤🥰

Sarah SC (Shah Alam, Malaysia)
Prefer the older design

1. Good thing is that even when damp and not dried thoroughly between prayers, the telekung does not smell around the head/chin area.
2. Material seems a little thinner than before but still nice, cool & soft. This soft brown colour is still somewhat opaque.
3. Good that it doesn't hv the metal logo in front like previous design as it tended to get in the way when sujood.
4. Some may like the bag-cum-sejadah but I would prefer it with a more solid zipper. Otherwise, the previous tote bag was good too.

Jojo (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
The most comfortable prayerwear 😍

Soft and smooth material. The cutting and material around the face are top-notch. 👍🏽

Shaliza Sabidin (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Best sangat
Telekung jenis kain sejuk, ringan dan bgian muka elok terletak.

hamsiah (Cyberjaya, Malaysia)
Telekung Tarawih

Material kain sejuk dan selesa, sesuai dipakai masa solat tarawih. Pouch sangat function jadi sejadah. Best innovation ever for pouch 2in1.