Senang je nak bentuk and tak panas. Slese je pakai. Will repurchase in future with different colors
Nisa 2.0 in Loggia
Best material ever!
I love the material and how easy to style! Tudung People never failed me! Love the design of Rempah , so modern, cute and easy to match.
Rempah - Ketumbar (SQ)
Siti Ubaidah
Nisa 2.0 in Ivory
The material so soft. Easy to bentuk. love lah!
Nisa 2.0 in Ivory
Siti Ubaidah
Chic ! Hijab Ring - Scarlett
I really love this hijab ring. the design very chic and simple. i wear it everyday
Hijab Ring - Scarlett
Nida Hairuddin
This soft cotton inner is very comfy and light weight.
(Nano) Najwa Magic - Black
Satisfied, Worth it
Telekung TP mmg pilihan saya. Mahal mungkin sbb material kain dia tapi yang penting minimalist. Tak perlu kerawang, manik ke, just simple yet too comfy 😤🥰
Aman Prayerwear - Dark Brown
Best material!
material best although lembut but senang bentuk. the color code just suit my skin, hence worth the price!
Wayfarer Basic - Tulip
Perfect for mermaiding and diving
I purchased 12 pieces for myself and my relatives. I have all sizes, but the best is XL because it hides the body shape. What I like most is the built-in scarf inside. Excellent and genius design! 😊 Ht=159 cm, Wt=59 kg
Najwa Sport Flow - Canoe
Aifa Kasuma Sulaiman
Love the material
I love the material, comfy, tak tebal tapi tak panas. more colour please!
Oversized Top - Sage
Ayuni Nasrin
More colour please!
Please restock with more colours together with oversized sweatshirt!