Suka dengan material & rasa confident bila pakai tudung TP
Muna in Carinaria
Fauziah Alias
Comfortable to wear. And easy
Niya in Gibraltar (Net)
Soft & easy
Felt soft and yet easy to shape
Wish that this material provided on shawl version as well (similar to Bayu)
Jendela - Lime (SQ)
Best material
Very flowy & nice color
Sofya in Alfalfa
L. Nur
Best purchase
One of my best purchase from TP. Material still airy walaupun cuaca a bit panas. Awning terletak cantik. A bit expansive but still worth the price.
Aman Prayerwear - White
Khairunnisa Hamid
Senang nak lipat kecik kecik!
Takde dah masalah terlupa bawa bag extra bila terrrrbeli groceries. š
Senang cuci, masuk je dalam washing machine macam cuci baju,
Nylon Shopper Bag
Khairunnisa Hamid
I love it a lot But..
I love the design, and how lightweight it is! The colour and how cooling the material is.
But one thing that annoys me me was the button, ada masa tu susah betul nak buka button clip tu sampai rasa macam nak koyak dah parkaš« tapi tak kesah sebab satu button tu je kot problem, janji cantik, confirm beli lagi sebab selesa yang amaaatt!!!
Long Parka - Burgundy
Asilah Isamuddin
Cantik sgt. Light weight!!
Jendela - Quartz (SQ)
Hannah Kahar
The Inner Pants by TudungPeople is so comfortable and fit nicely.