I've gotten some shawls from the Nluxe series and it's been my fav go-to shawl. Perfect for everyday wear, easy to style, beautiful awning. Great for both work and leisure. 🩷
Nluxe in Wisteria
The best
I don't remember how many pieces of this niya that I have and all I can say it's the best !
(Nano) Najwa Sport Niya - Mariner
Asyikin Khairuddin
Beautiful designs
My current favorite printed design, especially for raya season ❤️
Laman - Melon (SQ)
Beg boleh muat banyak barang..takde zip jadi banyak barang boleh sumbat hehe..tapi yang paling saya suka warna dan kainnya ringan..🥰
Nylon Shopper Bag
R Poh
Laman three different colours
All opaque veils that cover properly
Laman - Sand
Aman Prayerwear
Kena dengan nama, memang rasa aman sahaja bila pakai telekung ni..ini hadiah dari adik saya..tq TP sebab produce telekung yang best sangat..💖
Aman Prayerwear - Dark Blue
The best telekung ever
Telekung selesaaaa sangat3...saya belikan utk adik dan dia suka sebab dapat warna black...adik cakap suka kain di bahagian kepala dan dagu..❤️
Aman Prayerwear - Black
Najwa Sport Pro ( Checkmate)
The plus point of this product is the attached inner neck tie. It's comfy and the hijab placed perfectly on my head and face without tugging. TBH,the design is quite similar to another popular sport brand that I've been using as well 😊 For a local brand, I would recommend TP to adjust the pricing for affordability. Having said that, I'm definitely buying more next time.
Overall score :8 out of 10
(Nano) Najwa Sport Pro - Checkmate
No fuss
Material : Soft, stretchy, iron-less , easy to wash and breathable
Colour : Wide range,pastel to muted tone ( I chose mine in blue)
Design: The inner attached with chin strap is quite comfortable. However, if you have short hair like mine, I had to wear another inner to make sure that I can tie back securely. Perhaps TudungPeople could consider making adjustment for short hair hijabis? Not all of us here have long hair.
Overall score: 7 out of 10