2017 is coming to a close and that means it۪s time to get your new year resolutions down. One of the most common resolutions is for a healthier you, and why wouldn't it be? Our bodies are an amanah from God and it۪s our duty to keep it in the best shape. Easier said than done? Well, here are 3 tips to kickstart a healthier you!
What are your health and fitness goals for 2018? Let us know in the comments!
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Start simple and break it down
We all want hot bods and clear skin and . instead of just one big general goal, break it down into simpler tasks. For example, instead of just eat healthier, break it down into: eat a cup of veggies every meal, and drink 2 glasses of plain water. Instead of just lose 5 kg," how about jog 15 minutes every other day, and go swimming every Saturday followed by 1 hour gym session
Get a friend
This is one instance where peer pressure is a good thing! Having a friend share the same goals as you gives you that extra boost of motivation to keep going. Set up a day in the week for you to meet up and work out, and hold each other to the promise.
Dress the part
When we dress right, that۪s half the battle done! Not only does the right active wear make working out more comfortable, getting a cute workout outfit gives you a big motivation boost. After all, you۪ve invested in it - don۪t let it go to waste!